One simple question: Did the world's massive flooding with liquified soil occur before or after 5G microwave implementation worldwide? Don't believe it? Just watch the flooding, tornadoes and soil liquefaction that is destroying China and other continents like Australia, South America, North America, Europe and Africa.
My message to storm chasers and other fools who don' t understand that radar and 5G+ microwaves create storms that produce tornadoes and massive lightning discharges, along with supersized raindrops/hail/snowflakes like ocurring with the man made perpetual storms currently circling earth in both hemispheres. This link provideds a clue:
The world’s scientists and climate experts are finally catching on to what I have been telling you about the Samcuss Theory: Aqueous Molecular Thermal Aggrandizement and the superheating of water molecules in clouds by radar microwaves and 4/5 G microwaves. With the increase of now so-called ”shelf clouds“, massive lightning discharges, tornadoes, supersized raindrops/hail/snowflakes, soil liquefaction and flooding worldwide, it has become apparent that this is beyond “global warming“ and “climate change“. In the graphic below, every country highlighted in dark blue and light blue has had major flooding unrelated to “global warming” or “climate change”, but can be traced back to 4/5G implementation and cell tower upgrades.

Here's what happened when the world instituted 5G along with Doppler radar microwaves without performing a worldwide environmental impact study of the effects on weather:
If this is not corrected the impact from the perpetual storms circumnavigating the globe will become progressively worse and any upcoming tropical storms will cause catastrophic flooding as occurred with hurricane Ida last year. When the western states drought ends, the massive storms generated from the Pacific Ocean will bring landslides and flooding to those states and just like Florida experienced with Agatha, the deluge will be fast and unpredictable. Radar and 4G/5G radio waves should not be directed to any rain clouds or hurricanes like Agatha. The supersized raindrops will cause mudflows and landslides like never experienced previously. The supersized hail will destroy crops and severely impact the infrastructure. Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons will ride the rise in sea level to surge heights beyond expectations and catastrophic consequences will prevail. Killer tornadoes, lightning storms and flooding will be prevalent. Winter ice and snow storms will be beyond belief and deadly.
This is the Wikipedia definition of Radar and note that all radar operate via high frequency radio waves in the microwave spectrum.
What this definition does not mention is that these microwaves are now used to superheat water molecules in cloud formations so that the satellite can display the images of oxygen content in the vapor produced by this superheating process, 24/7. The increase in worldwide flooding, soil liquefaction, hurricane/typhoon electrical storms and water content, tornadoes with massive lightning discharge, supersized raindrops, rise in sea level, are all symptomatic of this superheating process. The increased number of nighttime tornadoes accompanied by massive lightning discharges will provide sufficient evidence of this microwave superheating process, since the sun is not providing the heat.
There is no radar ever invented that displays reflected cloud images from 22,500 miles in space. So if this is true, how are those colorful video images actually generated by the satellite? The internet explanation ( regarding the radiometer on the satellite, is that the images are generated from the oxygen levels in the cloud vapor water molecules. Since this vapor can only be produced by heat, the heat must be constant in order to provide these images day and night, undiminished. Since there is no sun to provide this heating of the water molecules at night, the only source of heating is radar and cell tower microwaves (Death Ray that superheat the oxygen and hydrogen components of the molecules. The combined heating of the molecules produces massive increases in energy levels and water production, usually displayed as massive size raindrops/hail/snowflakes and energy discharges through lightning. Since the accumulation of the water content and energy graduates with the level of microwaves applied, sever storms and tornadoes are guaranteed and will progress with the number of radar sites and 4/5G cell phone towers they come in contact with. The useful pulse height of 3G, 4G and 5G radio waves all must pass through microwave pulse height and adds to the cumulative total of radar and radio microwave convergence. This convergence will increase the superheating of water molecules in cloud systems dramatically resulting in massive electrical discharge, supersized raindrops/hail/snow, wind storms, tornadoes and severe flooding and soil liquefaction. (If communities are expecting weather radar to provide advanced warnings of tornadoes, that will not happen since the radar and 5G itself is spawning and feeding the storms evidenced by accompanying strange cloud formations, massive lightning discharges and supersized raindrops and/or hail. The once rare nighttime tornadoes will occur frequently and without warning.
Below are 5G microwave transmissions that contributed to the flooding of New York city during Hurricane Ida in 2021 and more recently in September 2023. If the eastern states continue to use a combination of Doppler radar and 5G microwaves on any colud systems in their area, the massive rains they pruduce will flood New York city and surrounding areas more frequently. It will also contribute to massive snowfall.

The first use of radar microwaves to control the weather was conducted by the Germans during World War II and subsequently used by the U.S. in the guise of NORAD Doppler radar in 1954
( that caused massive flooding in Northern California on Christmas Eve in December 1955, shortly after it was initiated. Since then the use of radar microwaves on hurricanes and storms has had a devastating impact as evidenced by the near destruction of the Oroville dam and hurricanes Andrew, Katrina, Ike, Sandy, Irma, Maria, Ike, Harvey, Dorian and more. Now with the addition of 4G and 5G radio waves starting in 2019, the number of these cell sites worldwide has increased and so has the spawning of massive, perpetual electrical storms and supersized raindrops. The perpetual rain storms that this is producing are currently circumnavigating the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and returning to North America with a vengeance and the propensity of causing severe and catastrophic consequences of severe flooding, massive landslides, lightning fires, massive hail/snow storms and major soil erosion. Here’s an example of perpetual rains returned to Mexico on May 8, 2022:
Here’s an example of perpetual rains returned to Alaska May 8, 2022
Alaska flooding from massive perpetual rain storms circumnavigating the northern hemisphere, the results of radar microwave and 5G radio wave spawned tornado storms in the U. S. in the past weeks.
Here's a video of the last set of storms that were generated in the United States and crossed the Atlantic Ocean, Europe, Asia and Pacific Ocean.
Alaska, British Columbia Canada, Washington Oregon and California will be the main impact regions for these perpetual return storms that will bring severe and catastrophic consequence.

The Gulf of Alaska will save the west coast much of the energy from these perpetual storms like the low pressure system on 6/7/2022 below, but this will not last. Follow up storms are being developed such as Agatha/Alex currently crossing the Atlantic Ocean headed for Europe.

The perpetual storms circumnavigating the Northern hemisphere are being diverted into the Gulf of Alaska, so California's normal rainfall is non existent, hence the drought. The "jet stream" and so-called "rivers in the sky" have been eliminated for the foreseeable future as a result of the perpetual storm diversion into the Gulf of Alaska. The contributing factor to this diversion may be the results of scientific interference with the atmosphere by HAARP:
Combined with the spawning of the perpetual rains by radar and 5G microwaves, the entire world is in trouble and the devastating consequences like Pakistan will prevail.

This is an email that I sent to CNN warning of Florida flooding before Agatha approached, but it didn’t get past their email security. Had Florida addressed this advisory and ceased using radar microwaves and 5G radio waves on this tropical storm, they would have had minimal to no flooding. IF FLORIDA CONTINUES TO USE RADAR MICROWAVES AND 5G ON ANY HURRICANES, THEY WILL NOT ONLY ATTRACT AND ENHANCE THEM, BUT WILL CAUSE THEM TO PRODUCE MASSIVE LIGHTNING STRIKES, SUPERSIZED RAINDROPS/HAIL AND MASSIVE FLOODING, ALONG WITH SUBMERGING STORM SURGES.
On Saturday, June 4, 2022, 8:33 AM, samuel allen <> wrote:
The perpetual storms circumnavigating the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are now on North America’s door step and will be impacting the United States with a vengeance like occurred in Canada. Since these storms are produced as tornado storms in the United States, they exit into the Atlantic Ocean where they accelerate in intensity and pummel Europe and Asia. The storm that devastated India in recent days is now crossing the Pacific Ocean and headed directly for the western states and Canada. It is important that radar microwaves and 5G radio waves cease influencing these storms or the devastating consequences will be catastrophic as Europe, Asia and Australia were warned in this website article in 2020. Stay tuned because it is going to get progressively worse with the soil liquefaction contributing to the flooding and rise of sea level. This is not reversible. And to provide a current example of the effects of radar microwaves and 5G, just watch the outcome in Florida with Agatha and follow it through the entire trek across the northern hemisphere. Watch it gain size and momentum over the Atlantic in route back to North America and observe the biblical events unfold.
Experiencing Strange Clouds and Too Much Rain?
2020 Hindsight, One Year’s Disaster Predictions & Solutions. America’s Warning!
2022 Worldwide Catastrophic Weather Predictions
Stop Using Radar Microwaves and 5G Radio Waves on Clouds, You’ll Stop Massive Lightning, Tornadoes and Massive Flooding