This information should be understood by you, the public and decide for yourself whom to believe. This website article directly indicates my assessment of how and what radar and cellular microwaves are being perpetrated on the worldwide public by the U.S. government, associated world governments and private wealthy individuals whose greed and arrogance moved earth beyond its recoverable tipping point.
Why is it that microwaves that pass through us at the speed of light, heat water molecules in the milk and fluid concentration cells in our bodies, including breasts, brains, prostate, colon, bile ducts, etc? This is what radar microwaves superheating water molecules in women’s breast milk looks like. Watch until the end:
Nobody in government or the scientific community are explaining the correlation between the yearly timeframes of radar and cellular microwave usage, HAARP implementation and usage, cellular microwave and usage, global warming, Arctic and Greenland ice melting, climate change and perpetual atmospheric condensation “Selma” circulation of both hemispheres and cancer rates worldwide, so I am going to present graphic and video evidence to consider.
In 1954 the U.S. government embarked on the use of radar microwaves to detect enemy aircraft and missiles from approaching. The installation on CONAD in 1954, changing the name to NORAD in 1955, commenced the microwaving of the Arctic and Greenland ice. The flooding of Yuba City, California on Christmas Eve December 25, 1955 was the warning shot to cease using microwaves on the snow producing clouds over the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
The government failed to get this clue, but instead allowed foolish scientists to come up with HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) to add to NORAD’s wicrowaving that accelerated the melting of the ice in 1993. Even though HAARP was high frequency what most people don’t understand is that any high frequency passes through microwave range to get there. The combining of radar and HAARP microwaves is evident in the correlation of the ice melting, global warming, climate change and cancer graphs from 1954 to present.

Note that the correlation with temperature rise, Arctic and Greenland ice melting and the increase in cancer rates pretty well coincide with timelines for implementation of NORAD. In 1954, addition of HAARP in 1993, addition of cell phone 1974 with the addition 5G microwave boost 1999. What is truly amazing is how these all coincide, but not one scientist has ever mentioned this fact.

Here’s a clue America!

How about dealing with causes like radar and cellular microwaves passing through your children and adults at the speed of light.