Now that the airlines and cruise ships are shutdown for Covid, this would be a great time to determine if the information contained in this letter is accurate as being one of the causes of cancer in children and adults. If there is a significant drop in the number of new cases during this shutdown, it would point to the possibility of radar microwaves be a significant contributor to cancer.

The effects of X-ray's on human cells over a prolonged period of time. The power for X-rays is in the kilovolt range. Doppler radar and 5G microwave power is in the megawatt range.
Some have viewed the Samcuss Theory website with varying views of whether the information is accurate and pertains to them, so let me emphasize some points that you may want to consider about the information contained in the Samcuss Theory document attached and this website.
Let me start by explaining how I came up with the Samcuss theory. In November 2013 my daughter at the age of 32, was diagnosed with stage four cancer, that was detected in her spine. MD Anderson, the so-called eminent cancer research hospital determined she had the cancer for two years prior to her diagnosis. As a result of this information, I analyzed what she did in 2011 that could have contributed to her developing cancer.
Two events occurred that year that my research indicates may have been a factor. The first being she gave birth to a baby in April, but giving birth does not in my history, contribute to cancer. The second is she took a flight from Houston Hobby International Airport on Southwest Airlines to Oakland International airport in California. Since my daughter was breast feeding during this trip, I didn’t at the time realize the contribution this may have made to her cancer. Wondering what could affect anyone on an airplane, I recalled that someone once told me years earlier, that the US Navy could aim radar off of ships and illuminate plankton in the water for miles, even beyond the horizon, which is the result of microwave stimulation of the water molecules in both the plankton and the surface waters. This I termed “Aqueous Molecular Thermal Aggrandizement” or heating of the water molecules to extremely high temperature. Keep in mind that "all" radar function by microwaves, the same short pulse radio waves that pass through the ceramic vessels in which you heat food in your microwave ovens, the difference being your oven only operates on 1200 watts of power or less. Airport radar systems use much more high-power radar and weather Doppler system use megawatts (millions of watts) of power and pass these microwaves through the windows of every airplane that fly into and out of these radar zones and through the heads and upper torsos of the passengers sitting behind those windows as was my daughter.
For anyone not understanding this, the picture below shows the extremely powerful signature lines of Houston Doppler radar, that travel from near downtown, as far out as Oklahoma. Note that they extend beyond Dallas and Fort Worth. Because they are on a 360 degree output. they travel just as far into the Gulf and possibly further since these short pulsed radio waves bend over the horizon. These high energy microwaves pass through the windows of every airplane that fly into and out of Houston and surrounding airports. These microwaves also pass through the windows of every high rise building that is line of sight to these signature lines, such as the Anadarko high rise office buildings in The Woodlands, Texas.
The green radar signature lines are evident in the satellite image of hurricane Harvey as it was being attracted to Houston's downtown Doppler radar site. The same radar site that attracted hurricane Ike to it.
This video link explains the effects of microwaves on milk since most child bearing women continuously produce it or have cells capable of producing it. The milk used in this example was 2% milk fat, so the heating times for full milk fat content will be substantially faster, Note how fast the bubbles appear prior to this milk actually boiling over. The actual time for start of heating can be calculated in milliseconds at power-on of the magnetron.
Here is link to another video example using just a half of cup of milk.
A great example of how unsuspecting travelers are being affected by microwaves passing through the windows of aircraft, the wealthy individual in this You Tube video below, probably doesn't have a clue, because the airline industry has never been demanded to supply that information. Imagine the same microwaves that pass through the ceramic vessels to heat food in your ovens, passing through the large windows next to his head. Do you think they might be heating the water molecules in his brain cells or other upper body cells?
In my daughter’s case and the many men, women and children exposed to these microwaves through the windows of airplanes and waiting rooms, the question that arises, is how much microwave energy passes through the cells of an individual’s head and upper torso? MD Anderson indicated that my daughter had breast cancer, but three weeks before she passed in April 2017, the doctors at Herman Memorial hospital in The Woodlands, Texas removed a mass from her brain. Was this this supposed non-cancerous mass (I never saw the biopsy repor) the result passing high energy microwaves through her brain while she was on that flight or could it have been from heating the breast milk, whose water molecules heat faster than any other molecules? Unless the public wakes up and starts demanding to know just how much microwave energy we are being exposed too, we will continue to see increases in upper torso and head cancers, which includes the recent increase in eye cancer. Not one person to my knowledge has ever asked an airport or airline to report just how much microwave radiation they and their families were going to experience on any flights. Nor has anyone working in high rise offices asked to know just how much microwave radiation is coming through the windows of their buildings from these Doppler radar systems.
Since microwaves were developed in the late twenties and early thirties as the "Death Ray", which was created to kill people in-mass and paid for by wealthy stock holders that survived the stock market crash of '29, the government has known since its inception that microwaves cause cancer and had numerous warnings to that effect by some of the world's top scientists at the time. The question here, is could your government be ruthless enough to purposely give us cancer to keep the stock market alive? To really get a picture of just how ruthless the government can get, one only needs to read the book, Poisoner-In-Chief by Stephen Kinzer. Microwaves are also used as a standoff weapon by the military and others to eliminate both foreign and domestic threats to the political, legal and economic functioning of the stock market. This is usually indicative of lawyers and business executives developing brain or various types of upper torso cancer. This is also indicative of individuals who fly their private airplanes into and out of these high intensity radar zones as evidenced by the deaths of some well-known movie stars, lawyers/politicians and corporate officers. Just to mention a few try Beau Biden, Patrick Swayze, Steve Jobs, Johnny Cochran, Reginald Lewis, Senator John McCain and many more who never knew that radar microwaves were passing through their bodies at the speed of light.
Here is a link to a movie of a non scientific pork test approach to explain the Samcuss Theory:
Aqueous Molecular Thermal Aggrandizement or extreme heating of the water molecules and its effects on human cells. I call this the "pork test" which is significant in demonstrating the speed that microwaves heat water molecules in cells. Keep in mind that this oven only operates on 1200 watts of power, so if radar microwaves at 400,000 watts or higher, passing through the windows of airplanes or airport waiting rooms will have greater opportunity to damage human cells and create cancer cells. The effects of putting microwaves through human cells is faster and more efficient in causing cellular thermal overload than sucking super-heated hydrocarbons across the cells in your throat and larynx by smoking cigarettes or any heated source.
The powerful megawatt Doppler systems are now being used to generate and steer tropical storms and hurricanes by super-heating water molecules in cloud formations, on an international scale. The documented proof is contained in the document attached to this website. If you do not believe this, ask yourself one simple question: how is it that with no sun shining at midnight, the satellites can display heated cloud images on your cell phones and televisions?
If you, the public don’t demand an investigation and a published accounting from the airline industry, the radar manufacturer, high rise building owners, the medical establishment and government, cancer will continue to increase commensurate with the power increase of Doppler radar since 2010/2012 time-frame. The flooding and destruction of property in south Texas and Louisiana are direct results of this as evidenced by Katrina, the "Tax Day flood", Harvey and Imelda, which rotated for three days over the Houston Doppler before unleashing its torrential rains. If the people of Kingwood, Texas don’t want any further flooding of their city, they need get lawyers and confront the authorities and the so called “Meteorological Society” to stop the use of radar microwaves on these storm systems. If they don't, here is another guarantee, like the one provided on July 4th, 2018 in the Samcuss Theory document, that they and south Texas will flood again. FEMA and the insurance companies need to pay attention as to why this flooding has been destroying property and killing people since this increase in the power of Doppler radar.
If I could afford legal counsel, my first approach would be to file a discovery injunction on behalf of my daughter, against Southwest Airlines, the city of Houston who owns it, and the installer/manufacturer of Houston Doppler radar and demand that they provide documented evidence in the form of timeline graphs that exhibit microwave measurements that are encountered from that time you get to the airport and while in-flight, from point of departure, to destination and return. This graphed information must be base-lined at zero, since no amount of microwave radiation is acceptable through a human cell and any measurements exceeding zero will be grounds for further legal action. This investigation should also include full spectrum analysis of the entire cabin area of the aircraft during all facets of operation including parked, taxiing, takeoff, in-flight and landing. The investigation must be conducted without any government influence and all equipment utilized must be documented, calibrated and traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Unless this occurs, the entire flying public is in jeopardy of developing some form of cancer from microwaves. SHOW US THE GRAPH AIRLINE INDUSTRY
Since the cancer research hospitals spend enormous amounts of money to develop high priced drugs to keep the pharmaceutical and chemical companies paying dividends to the stock market, ask any of them to show you on their books how much they have spent finding out what is causing so many people to get cancer.
As an addendum to this message, the subtle effects of 4G and 5G radio waves in conjunction with the radar microwaves will have dramatic impact on the cells in eyes, brains, and upper torso organs including breasts. If the American Medical Association is monitoring prescriptions, they will notice a substantial increase in prescriptions for eye medication and optical corrective lenses for younger patients and adults. There will be an increase in eye surface growths and cancer. These changes will not be the result of viewing the screens on electronic device, but will be the result of the microwaves from the cellular and radar towers, passing through the cells of bodies as they seek the input antennas on the devices.
In case you aren't aware of how cellular microwaves are impacting your children and family, you really should view this video and do something about it: