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“AI Can’t Fix This!” Liquid Earth! The Ultimate Destruction of Habitable Earth

Writer: Samuel Cussins Allen, Jr.Samuel Cussins Allen, Jr.

Updated: Feb 1


Since the Samcuss Theory is the first social media website to address the perpetual storms circumnavigating both Northern and Southern Hemispheres, this website is the only place where you will find an independent definition of "Perpetual Storm". This definition is not associated with any broadcast or printed news media, and is solely the opinion of the author.

My Perpetual Storm Definition:

Any cloud formations that produce a combination of lightning, hail, snow, tornadoes and rain within a 24-hour period, with a satellite image defined beginning, continues for more than twenty four hours, increases in intensity and travels more than 720 miles from point of origin is considered by the author to be a perpetual storm. Perpetual storms are not natural phenomenon but are spawned from external sources that impact the thermal intensity of the water molecules evidenced by the lightning released at time of birth and satellite images displayed throughout their existence. Perpetual storms are all inclusive of rogue waves, "bomb cyclones", enhanced hurricanes, "rivers in the sky", "atmospheric rivers", tornadoes, storm surges, supersized raindrops/hail/snowflakes, soil liquefaction and mountain deterioration contributing to the rise of sea level, the decimation of both Polar Ice caps and worldwide catastrophic devastation.

In the Bible in Matthew 5:5 states “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit earth”. If you are one of the meek, something to consider is that the man-made perpetual storms circling earth in both hemispheres are rapidly dissolving the earth you occupy and your inheritance may be rendered useless.

My definition of Liquid Earth: Any water containing sediment, regardless of density, dislodged by heavy rains on higher ground inclusive of mountains, hills, plateaus, deserts, valleys, dunes, etc., distinguishable by the brown color of natural water, usually found flowing in creeks, streams, rivers, aqueducts, dams and any other conveyance systems.

Liquid Earth:

1 gallon of water (1 liter) weighs 8.34 pounds (1.0 kilogram). Weight of 1 gallon of earth (1 liter) weighs 10.5 pounds (4.76 kilograms). Adding both and dividing by two roughly equals 9.4 pounds (4.26 kilograms) per gal of liquid earth moving at velocity. 1 gallon of salt water weighs 8.54 (3.87 kilograms) so ocean surges moving at velocity will be considerably heavier than plain water floods and any added sediment will add to this weight factor. Your survival rate in any of these scenarios will be limited by length of exposure and fatigue. If you are contemplating standing your ground during any of these hurricanes or perpetual rain storms, it may be the last thing you ever do. The best avenue is to evacuate at first opportunity.



The rise of the oceans may lead to shape shifting of the continents, so the current global structure of earths continents are subject to redefine earths maps.

Do you know that the earth is being dismantled by massive man made supersized raindrops/hail/ snow that are destroying the mountains on every continent by washing out and undermining, evidenced by the amount of liquid earth flowing through every river in the world. This is what billions of tons of liquid earth flowing to the oceans, raising sea level looks like:

Everywhere you see brown water, consider it liquid earth whose weight exceeds the capabilities of most dams to retain like this:

This is what fighting against the weight of liquid earth looks like:


Swimming or walking in liquid earth may be a futile effort considering the weight of it moving at high velocity like this:

Dismantling Earth Worldwide



North America:




East Java:










Dismantling mountains like this


When I created this website ( )it was a warning to the world that continued use of microwaves to control the weather would have catastrophic consequences. The unleashing of the man made perpeptual storms currently circumnavigating both hemispheres is having devastating effects on every continent and populated land masses. The liquid earth flowing into the oceans is creating catastrophic rise of sea level that cannot be reversed. Decimation of both polar ice caps is directly caused by man's use of radar and now 5G+ microwaves, but scientists fail to recognize how the Death Ray ( Death ray - Wikipedia ) is accomplishing the destruction of earth, by microwave superheating of water molecules in atmospheric condensation. This is not going to get any better and we may be on the precipice of man's demise. Food will not grow in flowing liquid earth and if you don't know what flowing liquid earth looks like on every world land mass, refer the these videos of Brazil.

(currently happening)


Mecca, Saudi Arabia:


Lake Michigan:

Draper, Utah:


New Zealand:











This volcano lightning energy display is how thermal superheating effect water molecules in cloud formations. Radar and 5G microwave superheating of water molecules in rain clouds is more effective over a wider range and is why it produces lightning energy twenty four hours per day like this:

Radar and 5G microwaves superheat water molecules in cloud formations and produce lightning discharges twenty-four hours per day like shown in the video below, as verified by the satellite image itself. There is no difference between what produces volcanic lightning, tornado lightning, hurricane lightning, tropical storm lightning and Radar microwave produced lightning. Superheated water molecules produce pure energy, not static electricity.

(Tap to enlarge photo)

1/24/2023 Case in point! This is the Texas spawning of severe weather that will translate to the next perpetual storm to cross the Atlantic Ocean destined for Europe and Asia with subsequent return to North America. World meteorologists can feel free to track this for themselves. Europe can apply any names that suit their needs like Gerard and Fien that were applied to "Perpetual Storm Selma", the same storm that was spawned in Texas on January 11/ 2023 and devastated Selma, Alabama on January 12, 2023.

Above is the storm that created the Deer Park tornado and subsequently became "Perpetual Storm Deer Park" that is chronicled in the "Perpetual Storm Selma" video.

Follow this link to see an example of the liquid earth that the massive rains being generated by the perpetual storms worldwide, are washing out and undermining mountains, being carried in every river on every continent to the oceans raising sea level:

More recent views of liquid earth flowing in California as a result of hurricane Hilary:

Here are examples of how the weight of liquid earth (8.7 to 13.6 pounds per gallon) (3.95 to 6.18 kilograms) decimates river banks and road excavations worldwide. Flowing at unknown velocity this weight distribution will destroy everything in its path including vehicles, buildings, excavations, etc. This weight distribution will be the cause of the final collapse of many dams including the massive Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River.

And if you don't believe that Texas and Oklahoma use radar and 5G microwaves to generate electrical storms and tornadoes, ask these folks in Arkansas, points east and southeast where their storms came from:

This is what 5G+ cell towers emitting microwaves that superheat water molecules in cloud formations looks like from the satellite, occurring on every continent. And you wonder why Ida contributed to New York City flooding and why the world is flooding! Thede cellular microwave emissions that caused Hurricane Helene to produce massive rainfall creating catastrophic flooding in North Carolina ( is not “Bird Cast” as NOAA would have you believe indicating that this information is debunked as a “conspiracy theory”. Conspiracy theories and “Bird Cast” to my knowledge don’t kill masses like in North Carolina and Spain.

Here's the video of “Bird Cast” as NOAA calls it on AI. that this photo was taken from:

Just like the lie that NOAA tells you that NORAD and HAARP microwaves had nothing to do with melting of the North Pole and Greenland ice, their interpretation of cellular microwaves being present during Hurricane Helene is a complete fabrication and those cell tower emissions contributed to the flooding of North Carolina. Those same cell tower emissions were present during Hurricane IDA, Hurricane Beryl, Houston’s Derecho, etc. As indicated during an AI inquiry, NOAA refers to these cellular emissions as “Bird Cast”, but “Bird Cast” didn’t flood New York or North Carolina shown in the photo accompanying the reply below.



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