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Conspiracy? Reality Versus Theoretical! If Hurricanes Can’t Be Steered, What Is This? Satellites Don’t Lie!

Writer: Samuel Cussins Allen, Jr.Samuel Cussins Allen, Jr.

Updated: 5 days ago




Was steering Milton to Tampa pre-planned?

When you don't believe hurricanes can be steered, Helene, Milton, Dorian, Sandy, Harvey, Ike, Katrina, Irma, Maria, Sally and many more are all contradictions to that thought and all the folks that pre-planned vacating Tampa to save Miami might be irate. HOW DID FLORIDA KNOW TO EVACUATE TAMPA BEFORE MILTON EVER GOT CLOSE TO THE COAST? AND IT WAS HEADED STRAIGHT FOR THE FLORIDA KEYES. WAS THIS PRE-PLANNED STEERAGE? The radar microwave barriers that steered Milton to Tampa are evident on the satellite images that couldn’t be hidden. Attempting to figure out why the government would steer Milton to Tampa and provide advanced warning to evacuate, it is clear from the traffic jams, evacuation of the millions of people in harms way in South Florida would be impossible. This may be

a looming, catastrophic disaster in the future since the oceans are rising rapidly and contrary to Trump’s ridiculous assertion that it will create more coastline. But in a way he might be right that the storm surges will wipe existing structures off of coastlines creating additional open space, but may be submerged in the near future. A major seismic tidal wave of any height will not allow for escape. The greatest problem that the world has with microwaves superheating water molecules in cloud formations, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones and any other perpetual atmospheric condensation currently circling earth is the increased production of lightning, tornadoes and supersized raindrops, hail and snowflakes along with storm amplification.

Above is the path of Hurricane Dorian, the one hurricane that makes liars out of the entire meteorological society when they state hurricanes can’t be steered. Any hurricane on direct approach to Florida and makes an almost ninety degree turn is being directed and steered. By the amount of lightning produced during this turn, it is evident that high levels of radar microwaves were being used to steer it away from Miami. Here’s more government fed AI’ garbage they expect the public to believe:

The biggest lie of all is that Trump new that the government was using radar microwaves to steer Dorian away from Miami and here he is lying to the public.

Trump and his Mormon financial backers new they could steer this hurricane, just like steering Hurricane Sandy into New Jersey when their casinos were failing. The greatest indicator that the government was using high energy microwaves that they couldn’t hide were the massive amounts of lightning produced.

Florida’s radar barrier responsible for redirecting Hurricane Milton to Tampa Bay is shown in the top photo above. YOU KNOW RADAR BARRIERS ARE BEING USED TO STEER HURRICANES BY THE AMOUNT OF LIGHTNING PRODUCED NEAR THE SOURCE OF EMISSIONS. Florida warned the citizens of Tampa to evacuate well ahead of Milton’s approach, so this leaves one to surmise that Florida planned the steering of this hurricane in advance. The high energy microwaves utilized to accomplish this produced massive lightning emissions, severe rains and many tornadoes. Steering hurricanes away from Miami is not new as experienced with Dorian, Irma, Sally, Debby, Helene, Katrina, Andrew and many others. Katrina and Andrew were steered across Florida on the same path, south of Miami.

Below is a graphic of radar microwaves superheating Gulf surface waters in order to steer Hurricane Katrina directly into New Orleans. Nowhere in the racist Congressional report on Katrina will you find this fact mentioned nor the steering South of Miami on the same path as Hurricane Andrew. Satellite imagery doesn’t lie.

Here’s Hurricane Ike below, being steered across the radar at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba directly to the megawatt radar in Houston, Texas and straight up I45 to Dallas, chasing the people that migrated from New Orleans as a result of Katrina.

Not being satisfied with Ike, below is Hurricane Harvey being steered to downtown Houston evidenced by the radar signature lines emitting from the satellite images.

For anyone that doesn't understand the graphic above, here's the video that it was generated from that exhibits the high intensity radar signature lines as Hurricane Harvey was being attracted to Houston's downtown Doppler radar emission site. This is the same radar that created the Derecho storm on May 16,2024 and steered Hurricane Beryl to Houston. Fortunately or unfortunately for Houston Detecho knocked out the power grid shutting down Doppler radar and cellular towers, preventing the following storm and Hurricane Beryl to bypass downtown.

Steering Hurricane Sandy into New Jersey, as the path below indicates, when your casinos are failing and claiming it’s a natural disaster, means the American public will buy into any fabricated lie. Radar microwaves will attract, amplify and steer hurricanes to desired locations. One side effect of these storms is they all cross the Atlantic and impact Europe and Asia.

The greatest example of steering hurricanes came with Hurricane Dorian when it came right up to Miami’s coast and delayed until Florida executed its high intensity radar microwaves to steer it north. Even seasoned fishermen stated that it produced the most lightning that they had ever seen in a hurricane. Superheating water molecules in storm systems does exactly that! Here’s Dorian’s path details:

When the government tells you that hurricanes are too powerful to be steered, Hurricane Dorian makes a liar out of them. The nearly ninety degree north turn in this image above is fact, not meteorological fiction.

Milton’s sequence of events videos that clearly show that massive radar emissions were employed to steer Milton and lead-in storms into Tampa Bay. The use of these radar microwaves amplified the rain potential, tornado potential, storm surges and severe winds. Ask your governor and Congress how Florida knew well in advance that Milton was going to come to Tampa. Milton should never come anywhere near Tampa unless it was steered there!


This is the initial application of Florida’s radar barriers evidenced by the production and steering of advanced rainstorms into Tampa. The trajectory for Milton prior to the forced left turn was the Florida Keyes. SEE THE AMOUNT OF LIGHTNING PRODUCED AROUND MIAMI AND FLORIDA KEYES.

This is the first evidence of the use of the radar barrier’s visibility on the satellite images and the massive lightning emissions produced by microwaves superheating the water molecules creating more water.

This is the radar barrier actually forcing the turn of Milton towards Tampa Bay. These radars are established on Puerto Rico, Guantanamo Bay Cuba and other islands, but are also used domestically to attract and steer hurricanes like Katrina, Ike, Harvey and Beryl.

Here’s a view of Florida steering Helene up the west coast before it’s devastation of North Carolina and it was at this point that I posted warnings to cease the use of Radar and cellular microwaves on any of it or you would amplify its water content, power and tornadoes.

Who steers hurricanes and why? Follow this link for an answer:

Also does NASA steer hurricanes around Cape Kennedy to avoid damaging their rocket launching facilities? Please explain the nearly forty five degree turn that Hurricane

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) needs to explain to the people of Tampa Bay, how Florida used radar to turn Hurricane Milton from direct approach to the Florida Keyes and Miami, to a left turn into Tampa! How did Florida know in advance to evacuate Tampa? According to the AI response sourced from NOAA below, radar can’t steer hurricanes, but the images above clearly show radar symmetry diverting Milton to the north. These same radar systems steered and amplified Hurricane Helene to the north, devastating North Carolina.

Here’s how you know NOAA is feeding you a line of crap and appear to be out of touch with reality. Calling these cellular microwave emissions “Bird Cast” is ludicrous. The stationary dots are the cell tower locations and don’t move.

Pay attention NOAA! This is what “Bird Cast” from radar microwaves really looks like and why anyone would microwave birds is also ludicrous. Is this why geese no longer fly in V formations over Houston?

Below is NOAA’s nationwide microwave “Bird Cast” that is contributing to the severity of the perpetual storms circumnavigating earth and the demise of Europe and Asia.

These were the main contributing factor to the rain output of Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Florence.

Here’s Hurricane Florence being attracted to the radar in the Carolinas. Note the left turn on September 6 by the radar on Bermuda,steering it west to the Carolina radars. This

These same cellular microwaves show up in the website article below from Houston’s Derecho on May 16, 2024. Further evidence that these are cellular microwave tower emissions is they always appear in the same locations and will appear there in the next hurricane or tropical storm, producing or adding too lightning, heavy rains and tornadoes. Tap to view article:

The satellite videos below display NOAA’s so-called “Bird Cast” associated with high intensity weather radar signatures superheating water molecules that the satellite is sensing from 22,500 miles in space. This superheating will accelerate and enhance atmospheric condensation producing higher concentrations of raindrops, lightning, severe winds, tornadoes and hurricanes. The lightning from these superheated storms will start wildfires as occurred with the Camp Fire in Paradise,California in November, 2018 (media blamed on PG&E equipment and Cal Fire report never mentioned clouds in the area and this possibility) and the San Francisco Bay Area lightning storm in August, 2020.

“Bird Cast” does not produce excessive rain and accelerate hurricanes like the Doppler radar and cellular microwaves accomplished with Hurricane Helene and steer hurricanes like Milton. The radar and cellular microwaves displayed in the video above and succeeding videos are real and will contribute to rain fall, snow fall, hail size and quantity, massive flooding and soil liquefaction of mountains, plateaus, deserts and liquefaction of glaciers and permafrost, all contributing to the worldwide rise of sea level and severity of storm surges.


Seventy years of NORAD (established 1954) plus thirty one years of HAARP (established 1993) microwaving the North Pole and Greenland ice has almost completely decimated the polar ice at both poles and if the United States government keeps the lie going, decimation of earth will get progressively worse. Because the water from the melted ice is now circumnavigating both hemispheres as perpetual atmospheric condensation, resulting in perpetual storms that are dissolving glaciers, permafrost, mountain soil, flooding deserts and washing billions of tons of liquid earth into the oceans from every continent, raising sea level. If you believe this is a conspiracy, keep watching and super storms like Derecho, Beryl, Debby, Helene and Milton etc. will become your reality. We are well past the environmental tipping point, so 2024-2025 fall, winter and spring months will be the worst, catastrophic, devastating months on record worldwide for fires, snow, rain, tornadoes, flooding, storm surges and landslides that may incorporate entire coastal and inland mountain ranges.

The United States lie goes a lot deeper than the melting of the North Pole and Greenland ice. The effects on the polar bear fur is documented in this website article,, but the cancer rates in the indigenous citizens of the Arctic and Canadian regions is documented below:n

NORAD radar was implemented in 1954 and HAARP was implemented in 1993, which coincides with these cancer increases. The Alaska and Canada native citizens should demand an accounting of these facts. Unless the northern media bring this into focus, the United States will continue to hide this information. Also if you don't think cellular microwaves are having a cancer impact on you and

your community, you may want to know about this: Worldwide parents just don’t care what cellular microwaves are doing to their children or else they would put a stop to this:

One last note about conspiracy theory debunking. The video below is that actual satellite display of Hurricane Maria being  attracted to Washington DC as it appears in the historical archives and after the killing of more than 3000 people on Puerto Rico. Is this fact or conspiracy theory? These are government provided radar images as captured on MyRadar



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