The North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) on Christmas Eve December 24, 1955 got a serious clue about using radar microwaves on cloud formation above the Sierra Nevada mountains, that resulted in the Christmas eve flooding of Yuba City, California
( . The same scenario that nearly collapsed the Oroville dam in February, 2017 ( and again blamed on "warm storms" coming from the Pacific Ocean.
Radar microwaves created as the Death Ray ( in the 1930s and used by the Germans during World War II to not only track aircraft, but was also used to control the weather by superheating water molecules in cloud formations and to mass kill prisoners in concentration camps, since they knew that microwaves superheat water molecules in human cells as well.
As a publicity stunt on 24 December 1955, NORAD's predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), informed the press that CONAD was tracking Santa Claus's sleigh, adding that "CONAD, Army, Navy and Marine Air Forces will continue to track and guard Santa and his sleigh on his trip to and from the U.S. against possible attack from those who do not believe in Christmas", and a Christmas Eve tradition was born,[45] known as the "NORAD Tracks Santa" program. This resulted in microwave superheating of the water molecules in the snow producing clouds above the Sierra Nevada mountains forcing them to produce rain, rather than snow. The Government blamed this on "warn storms" moving in from the Pacific Ocean, but this was a lie since there is no recorded history of warm storms above the Sierra Nevada mountains in December. Every since this incident NORAD, Canadian NORAD and Alaska NORAD, with the addition of HAARP in 1993, along with the many Doppler radar sites installed in North America, have been effectively generating perpetual storms that have attacked the North Pole ice sheet and decimated the Greenland ice sheet. The Artic ice has nearly disappeared creating grave consequences for Polar inhabitants and animals. Now that the hundreds of cell towers worldwide producing microwaves to add to this, severe weather anomalies including massive tornadoes, severe winds, massive lightning emissions, supersized hurricanes that cause severe storm surges and lightning, supersized raindrops/ hail and snowflakes, massive flooding and sever soil liquefaction of mountains adding millions of tons of liquified earth to the seas contributing to the continuous rise. (See evidence for yourself here:
Stop Using Radar Microwaves and 5G Microwaves on Clouds, You’ll Stop Worldwide Massive Lightning Storms, Immemse Tornadoes, Soil Liquefaction, Graduated Hurricanes, Cyclones, Monsoons and Typhoons Producing Elevated Ocean Surges, and Massive Flooding
As shown in the following videos this issue pertains to both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Unless the world takes evasive action to correct this, livable earth as we know it will dwindle and mass starvation will ensue.
(Tap on videos to enlarge)
This image clearly shows that the perpetual storms crossing the Pacific Ocean are now consistently being diverted into the Gulf of Alaska, preventing fresh water from reaching the Artic circle to replenish the ice being destroyed by the NORAD radar microwaves converging in the Northern Hemisphere. Microwave superheating of water molecules is presenting a major issue globally unrelated to "global warming" or "climate change" as reported by the media. The loss of the Artic ice is possibly beyond recovery because corrective measures were never identified and implemented. So long as the world continues to use microwaves on storm systems, the cataclysmic demise of earth as we know it, will advance with storm surges beyond belief, massive hurricanes and typhoons, soil liquefaction of mountains and coastlines, calving of long standing glaciers like Pakistan and Chilie, supersized rain, hail and snow that will pummel cities and states and create massive and numerous tornadoes that will destroy not only communities, but whole towns and cities.
This is a satellite video of the perpetual storms in the Southern Hemisphere advancing on the Antarctic ice shelf decimating what remains. The storms generated by Australia's radar microwaves, with the addition of microwaves from numerous 5G transmission towers are not only causing severe flooding in Australia and New Zealand, the residual storms are attracted to the South Pole. Unlike the storms in the Norther Hemisphere, the perpetual storms generated from Australia, New Zealand, South America and Africa have no land masses to prevent their attack on the ice shelf. With the summer months in the Southern Hemisphere occurring from November 6 to February 2, the 2022/2023 transition is going to be devastating. Major breakaway of portions of the ice shelf may be witnessed.
Microwave pollution is a real and severely destructive issue that the world will continue to ignore until the perpetual storms bring more catastrophic consequences like Pakistan, flooding in Australia, Hurricanes Ida and Ian, and tornadoes like the destruction of Mayfield, Kentucky as seen here: (Please note that all of the red satellite imagery is produced by radar and 5G microwaves superheating the water molecules in the storm clouds. The radiometer on the satellite only displays the oxygen content of the water vapor produced by this superheating. The reaction of the hydrogen (H2O) component is never displayed).
My warning to ships and airplanes traveling in the vicinity of the radar and 5G microwave generated perpetual storms in the Southern Hemisphere is to avoid any travel due to the increased possibility of massive rogue waves and air currents that can destroy your vessel or conveyance. A recent example of this pertains to this headline:
1 dead, 4 injured after 'rogue wave strikes
Antarctic cruise ship
Or this air turbulence over. Argentina:
Terrifying turbulence injures passengers on flight
These perpetual storms are extremely dangerous and will one day have catastrophic consequences for any ships or aircraft transiting through them.
Perhaps cruise lines should be aware of this article in the website published in 2019:
The perpetual storms generated from Australia, New Zealand, South America and South Africa are going to get much more severe during the Southern Hemisphere summer months as exhibited in the following satellite images:

Perpetual storm systems generated from Australia and New Zealand are attracted to the South Pole, traveling in a south easterly direction as shown.

Perpetual storms generated from all of South America are attracted to the South Pole in a south easterly direction as shown.

Perpetual storms generated from South Africa are attracted to the South Pole in a south easterly direction as shown.