Perpetual storms circling the earth between Australia and Antarctica
The news media's failure to recognize the man-made perpetual storms circumnavigating both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres indicate that they are awaiting the scientific community to show them the way. They apparently are unable to observe the catastrophic occurrences and draw any conclusions as to what destroyed the North Pole ice, the Greenland ice and the water from which is now circling earth as perpetual condensation and storms that will form into Cyclones, Typhoons, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and severe tropical massive flooding storms that also produce supersized raindrops and supersized hail. The Southern Hemisphere storms shown in the satellite image videos below show exactly what is occurring with the Antarctica ice and this during their winter months, When the summer months come, these storms will get extremely powerful and attack the ice with a vengeance. These storms will not stay in the Southern Hemisphere and will cross over the equator to the Northern Hemisphere bringing severe consequences with them like Houston’s created $1.6Billion May 16-17, 2024 Derecho storm and its predecessor Hurricane Beryl, which includes lightning storms, Cyclones, Typhoons, Tornadoes, Massive Snowstorms and Supersized Hailstorms, wild fires and massive flooding. Because of the massive amounts of water contained in these storm system, every continent will be subjected to massive slides and soil liquefaction that will deposit into the oceans raising sea level. It's not important that you believe anything in this website, since you will be able to experience what is currently occurring and the progressively worsening outcomes for yourselves.