The start of the perpetual storms circumnavigating the Northern Hemisphere begin in Texas, Oklahoma and other Midwestern states like shown in this video. With this capability the United States is declaring climatic war on Europe and Asia, with the unfortunate consequences of the perpetual storms circumnavigating the Northern Hemisphere, returning to North America with a vengeance as being experienced currently. The satellite view and electrical discharges are directly related to the microwave superheating of the water molecules in the atmosphere. Since this cumulative electrical energy is stored in these cloud formations, this energy does not dissipate over the oceans so lightning discharges once they reach land are massive and devastating like the San Francisco Bay Area August, 2020 massive lightning fires and Canada's 2023 fires.
See these documentaries for further evidence:
The departure of these supercharged storms into the Atlantic Ocean bode potiently devastating and sever storms for Europe and Asia, that results in major flooding, tornadoes, snow/ice storms, bomb cyclones like Ciara and Dennis, soil liquefaction and liquid earth flowing in major rivers to the oceans contributing to the rise in sea level.
The water saturated storms entering Europe will absorb more microwave energy that will add to the cumulative, non-dissipated total. Major lightning discharges, with severe winds, rain/hail and massive rains will occur.
The trek across Europe and Asia adds additional power to these storms in every country that use radar and 5G microwaves on these cloud systems. The energy contained in these storms will not dissipate significantly once over the Pacific Ocean and they will be attracted to the North Pole, but access to the pole is limited to the Bering Strait and Labrador Sea. Regenerating the depleted ice shelf is never going to occur unless there is a dramatic land shift.
Once these storms enter the western Pacific Ocean and gain strength, the pull of the magnetic North Pole will divert these storms on most occasions into the Gulf of Alaska and much of the energy will be released as massive lightning discharges and supersized raindrops that will have dire impact on mountain soil, especially where wild fires have occurred. Liquid soil will be carried by rivers to the oceans where it will contribute to the rising sea level. Using radar and 5G microwaves on these storms will compound their effects and destruction. Hydrologists might want to examine the effects of these supersized raindrops/hail falling from high altitude, on soil impact.
The Gulf of Alaska will not continue to save the west coast of North America from these storms and direct impact will produce the major snow and rain storms that were experienced in the past three weeks of 2022 and the first day of 2023. The next four months are going to be a defining avenue for how nations want to continue man's manipulation of the climate.
Here's a recent example of the dangers from these perpetual storms returning to North America.
Epic flooding leads to water rescues and highway closures in California as the snowpack melts.
Today is Tuesday, January 3, 2023 and this is a warning for the entire world. The next twelve months will bring worldwide climate terror unrelated to "global warming", "climate change", "bomb cyclones" or "atmospheric rivers" as hyped by the media. The radar and 5G microwave man-made water ladened perpetual storms circumnavigating both Hemispheres will bring catastrophic weather consequences beyond belief, unless United Nations as a whole, address the threats experienced in 2020, 2021 and 2022. The Bay Area fires in 2020 and hurricane Ida and Ian are to prime examples of why man should cease the use of radar and 5G microwaves to manipulate storms. For you to understand just how accurate I am on my predictions this website article ( ) on chronological dates 12/28/2019 and 6/12/2020 warned California not to use radar microwaves on storms
approaching from the Pacific Ocean or they would suffer major lightning fires. The August fires were the results like this:

In the Southern Hemisphere this is how man-made radar and 5G microwave storms produced by Australia, New Zealand, South America and Africa are attacking the Antarctic ice shelf which is rapidly deteriorating.