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My Profile and Resume

Writer: Samuel Cussins Allen, Jr.Samuel Cussins Allen, Jr.

Updated: Dec 19, 2024

I am 79 Year’s Old, American of African and European descent, retired from computer electronics manufacturing and quality management and won’t be around to see the decimation of earth as described in this website, so somebody much younger than I will need to understand the premises stated within. I am the sole author of this website and the book Nudged Final Conflict. Truly understanding the cause of catastrophic decimation of Earth’s natural cooling venues like the North and South poles, along with the Greenland ice resulting in the water laden man-made perpetual storms now circling earth in both hemispheres, would lead to a compromise solution that must occur soon, before the massive water content of the perpetual storms completely dissolve the glaciers, permafrost and liquify mountains and plateaus on every continent as currently progressing. The coming worldwide scrutiny of my website information as it pertains to the global decimation of earth and the cause of the man-made perpetual storms contributing to global destruction is at hand. There have been many researching me to understand my background who can rest assured that I am not a professional anybody with degrees. I am merely an observer with an opinion and an unforgiving, opinionated website that the world can feel free to scrutinize for inaccuracy. The opinions stated are my own, but the subjective, catastrophic consequences related to those opinions are the reality of my observations. This I call Observational Intelligence (OI). Have a nice day!

The difference between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Observational Intelligence (OI)

Two robot buddies and two students go out on the Wyoming plains and are confronted by a herd of buffalo stampeding in their direction. The two robot buddies observe and say we need to calculate the severity of what is coming and how it will …… , the two students observe and run like leaving hell, observing and avoiding what happened to the robots. In other words don’t rely on AI to solve critical situations that require immediate action to save your life, others and community, where common sense prevail.

Qualifications for  Observational Intelligence

Must respond to any or all six senses:






And sixth sense:

Awareness (what if?) or premonition (unforeseen consequences), both a derivative of any one or more of the five senses, also inclusive of common sense and self preservation.


Samuel C. Allen, Jr.

Below is another example of the difference between artificial intelligence (AI) and observational intelligence (OI) that coincides with my previous analogy. This leaning tree is a result of Hurricane Beryl and resides in Spring, Texas, next to a main thoroughfare. Here AI can calculate the leaning weight of the tree based on dimensions, height and angle of the lean, but cannot predict when it is going to fall. OI sees tree as a threat for falling in the next storm, possibly across the road in the middle of the night, severely injuring or killing someone in their automobile. This allows for corrective measures before it occurs.

Hey, check out my website, "Samcuss Theory" with this link:

Or Google:

This is the only website that explained the man-made perpetual storms circumnavigating earth in both hemispheres, washing billions of tons of liquified earth from the mountains and plateaus of every continent and into the oceans raising sea level. This website also explained how the use of the Death Ray (microwaves) ( superheating of water molecules contributes to the non-reversible flooding and storm surges plaguing coastal regions and cities with soon to be inundation and submersion from either major storm surges or seismic activity or possibly both. A vivid demonstration that superheating water molecules in cloud formations produces lightning and severe windstorms, superheated volcanic clouds present that exact scenario like this:

This is tornado lightning produced by radar and cellular microwave superheating of water molecules, as it accomplishes in 1200 watt microwave ovens. See any difference?

My book update just released on July 11, 2024

NUDGED Final Conflict

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