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Warning World! 2022/2023 Perpetual Weather Events Coming

Writer: Samuel Cussins Allen, Jr.Samuel Cussins Allen, Jr.

Updated: Jan 14




By the time the world’s meteorological societies, scientist, and media understand the implications of this website, significant catastrophic lightning fires, tornadoes, flooding, hurricanes and typhoons, mountain and coastal soil liquefaction will increase dramatically in 2022 and 2023. Totally unrelated to “climate change“ or “global warming“, the massive lightning storms in California in 2020 and Australia lightning storms and flooding in 2021 and 2022 are wake-up calls to stop using radar microwaves (Death Ray ) and 4G/5G microwaves on clouds. These are the PERPETUAL STORMS that will return to North America after devastating Europe and Asia. Europe will again suffer massive storms, generated by United States Doppler radar systems and circumnavigating the northern hemisphere accelerated by the Atlantic Ocean. Generated by Australia, New Zealand, South America and Africa in the Southern Hemisphere. After the community devastation, flooding, and deaths become unbearable, this website provided reasons why and the satellite is providing the evidence.

This video is a satellite view of the tornado storms, spawned in the U.S. and being accelerated by the Atlantic Ocean currents on April 27, 2022

One of the catastrophic consequences of severe weather and flooding will be the spread of the Covid virus in places that thought it was under control. China will be a significant example of this and may already be on the rise in 2022.

If anyone is still finding this website of interest, please take time to review my past predictions in the 2020 Hindsight, One Year’s Disaster Predictions and Solutions section of this website:,

2020 Hindsight, One Year’s Disaster Predictions & Solutions. America’s Warning!

Britain was warned well in advance of "bomb cyclones" Ciara and Dennis, that storms spawned out of the United States and south Atlantic Ocean would be impacting their weather and soil erosion. In 2021, tropical storm Claudette followed this scenario, but increased in intensity because of “Atlantic Basin Acceleration“, that not only flooded London, but most of Europe and Asia and culminated in three typhoons in the western Pacific. The 2020 Hindsight section on two chronological dates of 12/28/2019 and 6/12/2020 warned California that using radar microwaves on any storms coming off of the Pacific ocean, would cause lightning. The August lightning fires in the Bay Area had advanced warning that could have prevented them. Since I have been censored by LinkedIn below that my information contained in the Radar Microwaves and 5G micro waves aspect is misinformation, perhaps it is or maybe not. If the west coast ceased the use of radar on all rain clouds coming from the Pacific Ocean, they would see a substantial decrease in the coastal erosion caused by radar microwave produced supersized raindrops. If they don’t they will experience massive snowstorms this winter and enormous rains and mudslides in the spring and more lightning fires in the summer. British Columbia, Canada is going to experience more extensive flooding, steming from Mor Pacific storms entering the state of Washington and accelerated by Doppler radar and 5G combined microwaves. Australia is learning a tough lesson and by the time they understand the contributing cause of their massive lightning storms and flooding, loss of lives and billions of dollars in damages will have been continuously repeated.

Example of worldwide liquefaction that will be coming to America. Remember the collapse of California’s Highway One In January 2021?

Do you now why London flooding occurred and its not because of "global warming" or "climate change"? It was because of tropical storm Claudette feeding from the Gulf of Mexico. I term this as “Atlantic Basin Acceleration“ of storms departing the east coast of north America and tropical storms/hurricanes from the southwest Atlantic ocean. This is evident in the videos below.

Landslide-lake in Tibet, discharged through man-made channel, topple at least 8000 houses in Yunnan Province, also a result of tropical storm Claudette.

North America is in control of storms being accelerated across the Atlantic Ocean and devastating Europe and Asia evidenced below In this video from 3/8/2022 at 8:38 AM. The storm exiting the US is the same storm that provided the tornadoes in Iowa on the 5th. let’s see what happens when it gets to Europe.

Since I have been censored by Linkedin below that my information contained in the Worldwide Liquefaction of Livable Landscape and the 5G Factor is misinformation, perhaps it is or maybe not.

The misinformation that is mentioned relates to the Worldwide Liquefaction of Livable Landscape and the 5G Factor article that may contain information regarding 5G that nobody is considering, but the question that I will pose is why since the introduction of 5G in late 2019 has major flooding been occurring in areas like never before, which include New York, New Jersey, British Columbia, Utah, London and the rest of Europe, plus Asia and significant flooding in Australia? The 5G factor is being addressed as misinformation due to the enormous amount of money being expended to tout this as being the fastest form of digital communication, regardless of possible consequences that arise with commingled radio waves and radar microwaves. The article below indicates that world governments had some serious issues with implementing 5G in relation to weather anomalies. Here’s an example that will get worse in 2022:

Even Australia is reeling from the massive electrical storms, hurricane enhancement, and flooding just like Ida here in the United States, all as a result of using radar microwaves to superheat water molecules in rain clouds..

(The article below is a excerpt from Wikipedi)

Electromagnetic interference (EMI)

The spectrum used by various 5G proposals will be near that of passive remote sensing such as by weather and Earth observation satellites, particularly for water vapor monitoring. Interference will occur and will potentially be significant without effective controls. An increase in interference already occurred with some other prior proximate band usages.[63][64] Interference to satellite operations impairs numerical weather prediction performance with substantially deleterious economic and public safety impacts in areas such as commercial aviation.[65][66]

The concerns prompted U.S. Secretary of CommerceWilbur Ross and NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine in February 2019 to urge the FCC to delay some spectrum auction proposals, which was rejected.[67] The chairs of the House Appropriations Committee and House Science Committee wrote separate letters to FCC chair Ajit Pai asking for further review and consultation with NOAA, NASA, and DoD, and warning of harmful impacts to national security.[68] Acting NOAA director Neil Jacobs testified before the House Committee in May 2019 that 5G out-of-band emissions could produce a 30% reduction in weather forecast accuracy and that the resulting degradation in ECMWF model performance would have resulted in failure to predict the track and thus the impact of Superstorm Sandy in 2012. The United States Navy in March 2019 wrote a memorandum warning of deterioration and made technical suggestions to control band bleed-over limits, for testing and fielding, and for coordination of the wireless industry and regulators with weather forecasting organizations.[69]

At the 2019 quadrennial World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), atmospheric scientists advocated for a strong buffer of −55 dBW, European regulators agreed on a recommendation of −42 dBW, and US regulators (the FCC) recommended a restriction of −20 dBW, which would permit signals 150 times stronger than the European proposal. The ITU decided on an intermediate −33 dBW until September 1, 2027 and after that a standard of −39 dBW.[70] This is closer to the European recommendation but even the delayed higher standard is much weaker than that pleaded for by atmospheric scientists, triggering warnings from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) that the ITU standard, at 10 times less stringent than its recommendation, brings the "potential to significantly degrade the accuracy of data collected".[71] A representative of the American Meteorological Society(AMS) also warned of interference,[72] and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), sternly warned, saying that society risks "history repeat[ing] itself" by ignoring atmospheric scientists' warnings (referencing global warming, monitoring of which could be imperiled).[73] In December 2019, a bipartisan request was sent from the US House Science Committee to the Government Accountability Office(GAO) to investigate why there is such a discrepancy between recommendations of US civilian and military science agencies and the regulator, the FCC.[74]

The issue that this article does not address is what happens when the 5G radio EMI waves and radar microwave superheated water molecules converge to produce VLR (Very Large Raindrops). We know that radar microwaves alone produce massive flooding as occurred with the Michigan dams and attraction of hurricanes like Andrew, Katrina, Sandy, and Harvey. Radar microwaves alone create electrical discharges like the fires in California's Bay Area and promote tornadoes like the night tornadoes that devastated Nashville and Kentucky, but adding 5G to them enhance them further, producing significantly more lightning, tornadoes, rain and rapid flooding such as that which occurs in Houston, Texas.

A warning to the Federal Aviation Agency: the increase in radar microwave produced clear air and night tornadoes unseen will have devastating impact on small aircraft including helicopters and small jets. These tornadoes will slam aircraft into the ground with no remaining evidence for accident investigation. In 1985 Delta Air Lines Flight 191 crashed at Dallas Ft Worth airport and the FAA concluded that was pilot error. What they didn’t consider was that radar microwave superheating of the water molecules in that storm increased its strength just as occurred with the El Reno tornado in May 2013. Had they ceased radar at the onset of both of these disasters, the outcomes would have been significantly different. Just as radar microwaves created an unsafe environment in both of these instances, the addition of 5G is only adding to a problem that has been plaguing the airline industry for a long time, but has never been addressed with the installation of Doppler radar worldwide.

Gee! I wonder if the FAA, media, and airline industry are reading my articles since they appear to be catching on to my advanced warnings about commingling radar microwaves and 5G. Here’s some information they should be aware of and if they don’t address Doppler radar as well as 5G, it will get worse.

So lets address my 2021-2022 predictions of avoidable devastating radar microwave produced storms which I will just list as they occur as of December 1, 2020. Media and FEMA need to stop jumping on the “climate change“ bandwagon and see night tornadoes for what is actually spawning them. Sure isn’t the sun. The 2020 Nashville tornado should have provided a clue to the meteorologist had they investigated where the storms that created the night tornado came from. See this section of the website for information on night tornadoes.

December 11, 2021

(See where this storm was spawned)

(VLR produces massive snowflakes and hail)

Here’s another example of Europe getting too much snow from Very Large Snowflakes (VLS)

December 16, 2020

December 17, 2021

Typhoon kills at least 31 in Philippines, 1 island ‘leveled to the ground’

December 18, 2021

The storm that devastated Kentucky is now joining the major low pressure system spinning over the Atlantic Ocean shown below and is following the same scenario as tropical storm Claudette. This may result in more major flooding in Europe and Asia for Christmas. Since it will circumnavigate the northern hemisphere, massive rain and winter snowstorms will be occurring in Asia and North America. This is the "Atlantic Basin Acceleration" that caused Claudette to flood Europe and Asia, also responsible for bomb cyclones Ciara and Dennis.

"Atlantic Basin Acceleration" is having dire storm affects on the Azores islands like this in Tenerife:

December 20. 2021

Here is the latest satellite image of the massive low pressure area spinning over the Atlantic Ocean headed for Europe. Note that the radar manufactured storm being generated out of south Texas and the Gulf are joining the system. This will result in massive VLR (very large raindrops)

rains for Europe and promote more massive flooding as experienced in July from tropical storm Claudette. If Europe doesn't correct this before next summer, they will have a repeat of the flooding that both Europe and Asia experienced.

December 28, 2021

Here's another view of storms spawned by the US entering the Atlantic Ocean headed for Europe. These storms are a contributing factor to the severe ice storms in Russia.

These storms will circumnavigate the entire northern hemisphere and will eventually dump massive rains and snows on the North American continent as is currently occurring in the western states. Like Colorado saw in early 2021, they will get too much snow again in 2022 unless this gets addressed. Using radar microwaves on typhoons as they accomplished in the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Okinawa, and Japan will produce more massive and wetter storms.

December 29, 2020

Here is what is occurring in Japan as of December 2020, from the storms generated from the United States (same storm that created the Kentucky tornadoes) and currently circumnavigating the northern hemisphere after buildup in the North Atlantic in the videos above. This snow is headed for North America and may cause massive snowfall in the western states.

December 31, 2021

We can’t leave the year without another major catastrophic disaster such as the firestorms in Colorado and are predicting major snowfall in the coming weeks. As mentioned above they may encounter too much snow from the storms that are circumnavigating the northern hemisphere, a result of the major system that spun in the north Atlantic shown in the videos above. Stay tuned!

If you don't understand pre-warnings provided to Europe and Asia before the massive flooding, landslides, and soil erosion the 2020 Hindsight, One Year's Disaster Predictions, and Solutions article below contains a chronological approach to predicting weather related disasters,

January 1, 2022

More predictable bad news for Europe and Asia from the storms exiting the United States into the Atlantic basin shown in the video below recorded on January 1, 2022. These will add to the proceeding storms currently circumnavigating the northern hemisphere producing massive snow storms in North America.

A cursory warning to the western states! The Pacific Ocean is poised and ready to dump extremely massive amounts of water and snow on the coastal states and any use of radar microwaves plus 5G radio waves will exacerbate the the propensity for soil liquification, mudslides, erosion, lightning storms, heavy snowstorms, and massive spring flooding. The Gulf of Alaska as shown below, will not continue to protect them and keep this from occurring.

January 4, 2022

Now that I have introduced you to the "Atlantic Basin Acceleration" of US spawned storms circumnavigating the northern hemisphere, let's discuss the "Pacific Recombination Effects" as have occurred in 2020-2021. In late January, 2021 I warned California that using radar microwaves on any storms coming from the Pacific Ocean, would cause massive soil erosion and electrical discharges before the collapse of Highway 1. The same storm that caused the collapse of Highway 1, also was responsible for the disasterous February, 2021 "Texas Freeze". Nobody ever did a postmortem satellite analysis of the storm to see how it developed and intensified before entering Texas with the help of the Doppler radar in Cedar City, Utah. This is the same Doppler radar that produced the record snowstorm in Colorado in March and the floods in Utah that also caused the mudslide in Colorado, closing Interstate 70 in August, 2021 shown here:

The recombined storms currently affecting the west coast and Canada must not be intensified with any radar microwaves or 5G radio waves in order to prevent catastrophic snowfall and flooding in the spring. The western states will accumulate excessive snow, along with rain in the warmer areas like Arizona, Southern California and Mexico which will see catastrophic flooding and liquefaction resulting in massive landslides. Since the majority of these storms will travel to the east, this warning pertains to every state. The Virginia snowstorm is a prelude to what is coming if no change is made. What meteorologists don't tell you is that radar microwave superheating of the water molecules in clouds produce lightning, tornadoes, intensify storms, and increase the size of raindrops, snow and hail. It is going to get significantly worse in 2022 if this is not addressed.

January 8, 2022

If I haven’t gotten your attention yet, let’s see what is occurring in 2022 thus far that will show you how devastating this year will become:

It’s only just beginning and the world better start looking at causes other than “global warming“ and “climate change” or it will get much worse.

January 10, 2022

Hey Houston! That heavy rain, tornadoes, and flooding you experienced was not that strange. You were warned before the “tax day” flood to stop using Doppler radar microwaves on these storms. This was even before you created and attracted hurricane Harvey and tropical storm Imelda to downtown. If you keep using Doppler radar on these storms you will experience major nighttime tornadoes just like Kentucky and Nashville. Here's a video of Houston Doppler radar actually attracting hurricane Harvey to downtown. If you watch closely you can actually see the green radar microwave signature lines passing through the clouds, actually superheating the water molecules, producing lightning and very large raindrops (VLR):

The damage to earth’s livable landscape has possibly moved beyond repair since VLR (Very Large Raindrops) effectively saturated most of the mountain and coastal soils that retain rock formations. Liquefaction is occurring worldwide from this man-made source that is having catastrophic consequences like this:

January 17, 2022 Wow! 17 days into the new year and the massive catastrophic devastation has already gotten worse as I warned you. Here is the latest evidence: Tx v=NrqrW0epb44&feature=share At this rate the first month of 2022 will bring greater devastation than all of 2021 if the United States doesn’t stop manufacturing storms and sending them into the Atlantic Ocean. France and the Azores are still wondering what is happening!

South America is not exempt from the worldwide VlR produced by radar microwaves and 5G. Uruguay and Brazil are having the same issue as Europe.

Even South Africa is suffering:

January 19, 2022

Worldwide devastation is all inclusive including Indonesia as shown here:

January 22, 2022

The Pacific storms are poised and will dump massive amounts of rain on the burned mountains of California and other states. The catastrophic coastal soil erosion, landslides and liquefaction that are forthcoming will be lessened by eliminating the use of Doppler radar and 5G radio waves. This fire in Big Sur today could lead to major slippage of the coast into the Pacific Ocean.

January 24, 2022

VLR (Very Large Raindrops) drowning Brazil. This is what will come to the west coast of the United States if they continue to use radar microwaves and 5G on any rain producing clouds coming from the Pacific Ocean. Natural rains will be significant but with radar and 5G enhancement, the results are going to be dramatically devastating as is occurring in Brazil in this video.

Get prepared America! The video below may be your next disasters if they continue to use Doppler radar and 5G on rain clouds.

Global snowing like below is a result of VLS (very large snowflakes) produced by radar microwaves and 5G.

India can’t escape the massive flooding being experienced worldwide:

January 26, 2022

If the east coast continues to use radar microwaves and 5G on the “bomb cyclone” approaching from the southeast, you will be subjected to massive snowfall and possibly very large hail, that will be extremely dangerous to aircraft in flight. If any lightning occurs it will be a clear indication of radar and radio waves superheating water molecules in cloud.

January 27, 2022

This article regarding the catastrophic consequences of using Doppler radar and 5G radio waves combined on rain bearing cloud formations comes with additional warnings for Europe and Asia. The FAA has exhibited fear of airplanes approaching airports, being severely impacted by 5G weather, but fail to realize that radar microwaves have been creating massive storms since being deployed. The crash of Delta flight 191 at Dallas-Ft Worth airport in August, 1985 present substantial evidence of why radar microwaves should not be used on storms. Another example of how radar microwaves accelerate storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes is the video of the El Reno, Oklahoma tornado. Massive electrical discharges or lightning are a direct result of superheating water molecules. Houston, Texas is a prime example of the production of storms and attracting hurricanes like Harvey. If the people still consider Harvey a natural disaster, the video above speaks otherwise. The news or government will never publish this information, so this website is based on internet information that you can glean for yourselves. Good luck! Oh and by the way! This website warned of the consequences well before the FAA took notice. See the Samcuss Theory copyrighted document at the end of the website (Google). You may want to print a copy. As a parting note, check out this storm in Malaysi:



Getting significantly worse in Europe and we’re only into February. I warned you! As long as the United States continues to use Doppler radar microwaves and 5G radio waves on storms coming from the east coast and the south Atlantic, Europe’s and Asia’s cataclysmic weather and soil liquefaction woes will continue like this:

One day in the near future when the deaths, carnage and devastation become unbearable to the global community, they will hopefully take me seriously and understand why I tried to provide advanced warnings for prevention. If the world has not seen the Samcuss Theory Hypothesis video on YouTube, perhaps doing so would provide a clearer understanding of why there are catastrophic events. See the video at this link:

April 8, 2022

The recent U.S. spawned tornado storms exiting into the Atlantic Ocean will be accelerated and again provide Europe and Asia with severe storms like occurred in 2021 and early 2022. The storm that generated tornadoes in Iowa progressed to provide Moscow with hurricane force weather, if anyone had been tracking it. Continued use of radar microwaves and 5G radio waves will guarantee more severe consequences for the U.S. and other countries in the northern and Southern Hemispheres, that will include more severe flooding for Australia, South America, North America and Africa. Soil liquefaction of mountains will be biblical in catastrophic events and coastal soil donation to the seas will increase adding to the rise of sea level. This is not a prediction, but is currently in progress. Severe biblical consequences will be also guaranteed if radar microwaves and 5G radio waves are directed towards any tropical storms, hurricanes or typhoons more so than occurred in 2021. Latest storms crossing the Atlantic shown below:


This is a examples of what the storms are doing to Spain as of April 8, 2022

Indonesia April, 2022

China April 27, 2022


Africa May3,2022

If you need more video evidence of worldwide catastrophic consequence, see this article:

Stop Using Radar Microwaves and 5G Radio Waves on Clouds, You’ll Stop Massive Lightning, Tornadoes and Massive Flooding



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